Wednesday, 8 April 2015

3D world Reflection

Kelli Hoffarth
April 8 2015

For my 3d brushes assignment used the sharpening brush and making photos into brushes.  Some of the ideas that I ended up using included the car shells and the old merry go round that has been broken; I also included lots of over grown brush and grass. I added a large old building that looked abandoned, as well as some old falling down hydro posts.  Yes some of my ideas did change I didn’t add some of the stuff that I wanted to like the bugs or animals I just thought it would have been too much with them and I do think the picture did look better without them it also made it a little more creepy.  I added some other things that I never thought to add when I was doing the brainstorming such as the power lines that I thought was a really cool element and the clouds made it more realistic. i don't think any artists really inspired this art.  For this piece i tried not to put anything directly in the centre i had everything a bit to the side but i tried to balance it out.  I think your eye moves around the page quite well it starts and rolls around the outside and makes sure you don't miss anything.  I think the clouds and grass add a great deal to the movement.  My motivation for this was seeing the finally piece and what it was going to look like in the end.  I think the most interesting elements in this art is the grass and the clouds that add to it and make it look very realistic.  I think the end surprised and how well it ended up turning out and how difficult it was to find some photos that would work well.  With additional time i might have added more grass and changed up a few photos.

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